Day before yesterday, there was a power cut in college at 1 in the morning. We were all highly irritated and swore to go and take up this matter with the college authorities. We wanted a generator.
Next morning, I went to have tea at my favourite tea shop near college. Akka served me tea with a smile on her face.I asked her about the power cut and she laughed. I work without fan all day my dear, she told me.Meeting such people really puts your problems in perspective.
Renuka, fondly called Akka, is running this tea shop with her husband since the last 4 years.They serve cigarrettes,coffee,omelettes ,vadas and the best adrak waali chai.Located in between many colleges,it is always swarming with students.Endless conversations happen here ranging from movies to boyfriends to intellectual discussions too!Open from 6 in the morning till 12 at night, this shop is home for Renuka’s children as well.
Her life revolves around her two children, Gomati and Cheran. They are adored by all her customers too.
She hails from a village near Kancheepuram . Her father’s untimely death led to her mother becoming the bread winner of the family.She grew up farming. She says that even today, she would love to farm. She says it is not as hectic as this business and you know how much you’re going to earn at the end of the day.
Making an omelette, she tells me that they had started serving chicken few months back.However, since there are many food outlets nearby , it didn’t work well. Akka never complains. Her face will never show you the huge debt burden they are under.
Her husband had a failed business before this. All their income goes in paying back the loan and the house rent.
Her children make her the happiest. As she studied only till class 9, she says that she will make sure that her children complete their education.
If you are near Taramani and want to have something hot, make sure you visit Akka’s shop .